The EatWild podcast provides mentorship to folks who want to learn how to hunt, fish, and gather wild food. We want to reduce barriers and create a welcoming, inclusive and supportive community for people to re-connect with nature and wild food. Join us as we share stories, adventures, guidance and knowledge about a way of life that’s rooted in eating wild. EatWild podcast is hosted by Dylan Eyers.
Friday Sep 11, 2020
EatWild 36 - 150 kms of wilderness river paddling- What we learned
Friday Sep 11, 2020
Friday Sep 11, 2020
We are joined by Christy Long to debrief our packrafting adventures on the river. Christy is a whitewater paddling guide. She supported Jenny, Celina, and me with paddling training ahead of our trip. On our trip, as we looked over some tricky water ahead, we would ask our selves: "What would Christy say?" Now we get to ask. So enjoy!
We used Alpacka Forager rafts on this trip.
Sunday Sep 06, 2020
EatWild 35 - The grind of sheep country - Adventure hunt E4
Sunday Sep 06, 2020
Sunday Sep 06, 2020
Jenny, Celina and I are waiting out a rainstorm in sheep country. We are 5 days into our adventure hunt. We have left the rafts on the river and fought our way up the mountains into sheep habitat. In this podcast, we talk about the challenges and some tricks for getting from the river or the road up into the alpine country. Good terrain and forest cover assessment can make or break a successful ascent up the mountain. Hope you enjoy it!
Friday Aug 07, 2020
Friday Aug 07, 2020
Join for episode 4 of our expedition hunting planning series. In this episode, we are talking backpacking food for a 12-day backpack-packrafting hunting expedition. We have invited Penny from West Coast Kitchen to hang out with us and talk about how to keep food light and gourmet.
Saturday Aug 01, 2020
EatWild 33 - Packrafting with Thor Tingey of Alpacka Rafts
Saturday Aug 01, 2020
Saturday Aug 01, 2020
In this episode, we're joined by Thor Tingey of Alpacka Raft. Jennie P, Celina and I are doing our research on how to best prepare for a 12-day packrafting wilderness adventure. So we thought we would invite the expert on all things packrafting. We had a ton of fun hanging out with Thor as he shares the origin story of the packraft, a few adventures, and everything we need to know to prepare and plan for our adventure.
Friday Jul 17, 2020
EatWild Podcast 32 - Sheep and Sheep Hunting with Mike Bridger
Friday Jul 17, 2020
Friday Jul 17, 2020
Wildlife biologist Mike Bridger joins us in this episode to talk about planning for a sheep hunt in Northern BC. As a Provincial biologist for the Northern BC, Mike gets the privilege of overseeing the management of wildlife in the remnant wilderness of North America. All nine big game species thrive in this area and Mike's job is to keep an eye on things. He pretty much has the coolest job in North America. Mike is passionate about his work managing Stone's Sheep, and he is a self-described elk hunting fanatic.
Friday Jul 03, 2020
Friday Jul 03, 2020
I'm getting excited! Safe and successful hunts start with research, planning, practice and gearing up with the right equipment for the trip. It takes time and commitment to pull it all together, but for me, it might be the best part of the trip.
Jenny P, Celina and I are in the process of putting together what will be an adventure of a lifetime. We are planning to fly packrafts into the Northern Rockies and drift down 100 kms of river through spectacular sheep, elk and moose country.
Join us for the next series of podcasts as we put together our plan for a safe and successful hunt. We will be inviting experts on packrafting, wildlife biologists, and safety and gear experts as we research and get equipped for this adventure.
And we will have a bit of fun too.
Thank you Jenny P and Celina for doing this!
Please share and enjoy the podcast.
Saturday Jun 13, 2020
EatWild 30 - Dylan's first bear hunt - Tips and tricks of the road hunter
Saturday Jun 13, 2020
Saturday Jun 13, 2020
EatWild 30 - Dylan's first bear hunt - Tips and tricks of the road hunter
Saturday May 30, 2020
EatWild Podcast 29 - The Bison hide - Hide tanning with Mara Cur
Saturday May 30, 2020
Saturday May 30, 2020
Saturday May 09, 2020
Saturday May 09, 2020
Friday Apr 24, 2020
EatWild Podcast - COVID 19 - Can you hunt in BC?
Friday Apr 24, 2020
Friday Apr 24, 2020
Can we go hunting in British Columbia during the COVID 19 pandemic? Answer: Maybe, if we all follow the Provincial Heath Orders, guidelines, and recommendations. I am sitting down with Jesse Zieman of BCWF and Mark Hall of the Hunter Conservationist podcast to discuss the recent announcement by the Province of BC that hunting is an essential service and what that means for hunting during the COVID 19 pandemic. This announcement is good news for hunters, but this announcement could lead to a misunderstanding in the hunting community and unintended consequences. Hunting as an “Essential Service” means that the Province will ensure that the regulatory infrastructure and services are in place so residents can continue to hunt (buy tags and run the LEH program). It does not mean that you can ignore PHO recommendations to avoid non-essential travel, stay local and maintain social distancing.
To many of us, hunting is essential to our way of life, but this announcement does not mean that we can travel to go hunting. The small communities throughout BC are extremely vulnerable to the COVID 19 virus. All it would take is for one hunter who is unknowingly carrying the virus to pass it on at a gas station, a Tim Hortons, or picking up a 6 pack at the cold beer store. These communities do not have the health infrastructure deal with an outbreak. The BC hunting community must not put rural communities at risk. In the podcast, we discuss our interpretations of the recent essential service announcement, the PHO travel restrictions and COVID hunting guidelines.
Be patient with everyone.
Provincial Hunting and Fishing COVID 19 Updates
Kai Negata on Potential Impacts of Hunting on Rural Communities
Mark Hall - Hunter Conservationist Podcast
Jesse Zieman - The BC Wildlife Federation
Thanks for listening.
Dylan Eyers